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Hampshire Endodontics

Winchester, Hampshire • Havant, Hampshire

Referrals (Inc NHS)



Most commonly, patients are referred by their own dentist. However, we welcome enquiries direct from patients too, and this can be done by phone or email.


Referrals by Dentists

Dentists are able to make secure referrals through our website. If making your first referral please click here to register.  If you'd rather print a referral - please download our Referral Form, complete, and return by post or email. If you would like a referral pad sent to you - please ask. It is useful to let patients know our Private fees are £850.

NHS referrals (Hampshire IFR)

Some patients may qualify for NHS funded endodontic treatment if their Dentist applies on their behalf. The new guidance document is here (though the old referral criteria may be useful). The process is now online via DERS - guidance info here.